In 2011, Sebelas Maret University (UNS) established the Study Center of Javanology Institute under the Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) UNS as one of the implementations of the University’s Vision and Mission based on “the noble values of National culture”. The specifications for the field of study are description, exploration, explanation, and hilirisasi (down-streaming) of the superior products of Javanese culture.

The visionary orientation of UNS to become the World Class University (WCU) and the acceleration towards Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH) bring out the consequences of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education), which are continuous innovation in education and teaching system, research, and revitalization of community service. The vision of UNS as the center for the development of science based on the noble values of National culture and also the existential responsibility for its existence in the center of the Javanese culture, then Study Center of Javanology Institute was upgraded to the University Centre of Excellence Javanology for Javanese Traditions in 2020. Javanology UNS has a strategic role as the center for the study and development of Javanese culture.